An empowered employee is a happy employee is a productive employee. So it goes. Thus by taking the reins off staff members and allowing them to utilize their favorite device (whether it be Smartphone or Tablet, or both) wherever and whenever they want, they become more accessible, more engaged, more responsive and highly flexible. Cymax wholeheartedly supports Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) but it comes with its own set of challenges,( security and privacy to name but two). The key to BYOD success is to ensure ‘all your ducks are lined up’ before the rollout takes places. A sound BYOD strategy, preferably developed and maintained by a highly qualified ‘Business IT Specialist’ (like Cymax) will ensure you avoid the pitfalls and maximise the benefits. Sean Dendle of Cymax offers ‘10 Rules for BYOD’ to help you on the right path.
QuickTime Users on Microsoft Windows urged to Uninstall Program after Serious Vulnerabilities are Found
Computer security experts are warning Microsoft Windows customers to uninstall Apple QuickTime after severe vulnerabilities were discovered in the program. Similar flaws were discovered in …