February 15 is a day to celebrate these complex bits of hardware, and the people who know how to use and support these systems. It is also a day to celebrate the people who develop the new hardware and the software that we take for granted everyday. So much technology is used in our modern day life it is easily over looked. Life support machines are powered by intelligent mini computers that monitor each movement, GPS in cars have become more intelligent and able to tell us any potential traffic hazards coming up, and robots can be used to detonate possible improvised explosive devices (or IEDs) rather than risking a persons life. In 1943 the first computer was in production and invented by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly. It was completed by 1946 weighing in at about 50 tonne, using up 1800 square feet and had 18000 vacuum tubes connected to it. Just 72 years later, IBM have developed the smallest computer in the world which measures no more than a grain of salt! And while it is only capable of the same performance as a x86 CPU from 1990, considering the size, the complexity of this tiny chip is of epic proportions. If the Human Race can develop something as tiny as this, the world is our oyster and who knows what the next 72 years will bring in the world of technology. To make sure your systems are keeping up with the ever-changing world- Cymax is always here to make sure all your systems are up to date and to make sure no technology is limiting your ability to reach new heights now and in the future.
World Computer Day – 2021
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World Computer Day – 2021
February 15 is a day to celebrate these complex bits of hardware, and the people who know how to use and support these systems. It is also a day to celebrate the people who develop the new hardware and the software that we take for granted everyday. So much technology is used in our modern day life it is easily over looked. Life support machines are powered by intelligent mini computers that monitor each movement, GPS in cars have become more intelligent and able to tell us any potential traffic hazards coming up, and robots can be used to detonate possible improvised explosive devices (or IEDs) rather than risking a persons life. In 1943 the first computer was in production and invented by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly. It was completed by 1946 weighing in at about 50 tonne, using up 1800 square feet and had 18000 vacuum tubes connected to it. Just 72 years later, IBM have developed the smallest computer in the world which measures no more than a grain of salt! And while it is only capable of the same performance as a x86 CPU from 1990, considering the size, the complexity of this tiny chip is of epic proportions. If the Human Race can develop something as tiny as this, the world is our oyster and who knows what the next 72 years will bring in the world of technology. To make sure your systems are keeping up with the ever-changing world- Cymax is always here to make sure all your systems are up to date and to make sure no technology is limiting your ability to reach new heights now and in the future.
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