Case Study
Ray White Ascot

Case Study
Ray White Ascot
Enduring business partnerships enable seamless IT solutions
“Based on our conservative estimate of 30 minutes per day per employee, we calculate that the agency is now saving over $100,000 a year in productivity using the SonicWALL firewall implemented by Cymax”.
Gabby O’Carroll Administration Manager Ray White Ascot.
In the fast-moving Real Estate market only the strong survive. Gabrielle O’ Carroll Administration Manager for Ray White Ascot explains that their Real Estate office is larger than most, with over 40 people based in the business. The local office has operated for 9 years and the Ray White team is made up of Sales consultants, Administration & Property Managers.
Competition amongst Real Estate providers is intense, with, for example 5 rival businesses in the same street as Ray White Ascot. So while clients have in theory got plenty of choice options on their side, Gabby believes that the Ray White brand combined with the ‘second to none’ service reputation of the local office, means choosing them is made that much easier “at the end of the day it all comes down to continually providing great service” says Gabby.
Regarding compliance issues, Ray White Ascot must adhere to the standards imposed by The Office of Fair Trading, The Queensland Law Society and The REIQ. This level and variety of regulation imposes pressures on the business to be both consistent and timely in their processes. Furthermore, the majority of the company’s business data is stored digitally; meaning ‘downtime’ is not an option. “We rely heavily on Cymax to ensure that our systems are not only high performing, but absolutely reliable at all times”, said Gabby.
The relationship with Cymax started from day one and it would seem the partnership has been built not just on sound technology, but also straight talking, “the team understand our needs and speak in common terms not ‘gobbledegook’, so we can understand what is happening and when” says Gabby.
Ray White Ascot’s Property Managers and the Administration team are provided with computers and Cymax have also installed a server and virus protection. New staff members joining the Ray White Ascot team have their life made easier by Cymax providing Sales Agents with a ‘technology checklist’ which effectively establishes a clear induction procedure that ensures consistency is maintained. Ray White Ascot has other smart technology in place such as the ability to manage printing and reporting down to an individual use basis.
The Sales Agents are empowered to operate ‘as though they run their own business’ which means to be truly competitive they need to be able to work anywhere at any time, “It’s essential that our Agents can access systems while away from the office and Cymax have made all this possible for us” said Gabby.
It’s not just Ray White Ascot that are able to work seamlessly on a remote basis, Cymax themselves can perform maintenance and support often without having to physically appear on-site. This type of ‘smart working’ means both companies can maximise efficiencies without interruption. Instead of waiting for a technician to arrive for example, a solution can be found almost immediately.
For a high pressured and ever-changing environment like Ray White Ascot, this continuity is never taken for granted “It would normally be understandable to be concerned about the reliability of the technology, because we depend on it so much” but, she goes on “knowing Cymax are always there for us, is so confidence boosting we actually really don’t need to worry at all” claimed Gabby.
Cymax are keeping an eye on what technology tools and advancements might help Ray White Ascot manage and grow their business even more effectively into the future. One example of this is the Cloud, “we are taking advice from Cymax on what the Cloud could offer our business and it’s very exciting” says Gabby. The possibilities and potential to lever off technology will undoubtedly be made readily available for Ray White Ascot. Most importantly though, they have a sound footing from which to prosper. It’s fair to say, that with a productive relationship and a secure reputation in place, it looks like ‘all systems go’ for the Ray White Ascot business. “We have the trust and technology tools in place to go to the next level thanks to Cymax”, says Gabby.
Download the Ray White Ascot Client Testimonial
Productivity Savings: Intrinsic to the Cymax client service delivery promise, is a review of potential security related matters. Sean Dendle from Cymax concluded the company needed to upgrade its current firewall solution, this would combat the threats presented by personal laptops, tablets and smartphones accessing the network. After considering the varied needs of Ray White Ascot, Cymax recommended the Dell SonicWALL Firewall.
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