Case Study
Mental Illness
Fellowship of Queensland
“Cymax has been engaged for approximately the past year to be the service provider of Managed ICT Services and infrastructure.
MIFQ Mental Illness Fellowship Queensland provides both individualised and group support settings to people experiencing mental health concerns.
We had a small internal ICT team of two people who been here for a number of years, and their skill set was moderately limited. One of the big benefits we’ve had going to Cymax is the access to a broad pool of skill sets. So being a small organisation, about 100 FTE, you know, we can’t always have everything that we need within the organisation.
So their skill sets were the best that they could do at the time, but, you know, incredibly complicated and increasingly so ICT environment, that did mean we were limited in our capability the ICT space.
So we want our employees to be able to do the important things that are important to the business like their service notes the quality improvement, and just the HR elements in the field. Obviously, IT is a key way that that has to happen. So we’ve been on a journey of increasing mobility of our workforce in the last six months in particular.
And how that’s happened, obviously the support of Cymax has been integral to that success, both in being able to help us provision devices to support workers in the field, but also working through strategically about what sort of network choices do we have? How do we manage the data utilisation? And also planning for growth.
Where we were before was a very reactive hands on, just focusing on the moment kind of space now, though, I just I sleep at night so much better because we have I guess that’s that triple layer of protection. I certainly have to position Cymax as being service partner, because the language of partnership implies trust, longevity, transparency, going out, going along the long game, going the extra distance and feeling very comfortable in truth-telling, in disclosure and knowing that support will be there.”
– Mental Illness Fellowship Queensland
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