Greentree ERP Disaster Recovery (DR)

& Backup Solutions


Your business relies on Greentree ERP daily. Having access to your financials, stock control, payroll, accounts receivable and payable are paramount to the health and well-being of your organisation and Greentree ERP helps facilitate this.

Did you know that 70% of companies that suffer a major data loss go out of business? The alarming aspect about this statistic is that data loss can be avoided. A reliable (and tested) Disaster Recovery strategy is now a vital requirement for any business. Given your current backup strategy do you know how long it would take to recover your critical financials from Greentree ERP? If so, when was the last time you tested your Greentree ERP recovery?

Given 54% of data loss occurs as a result of hardware failure, and typical server replacement can vary from 1 week to 1 month depending on which vendor you purchase from, is your backup, recovery & disaster recovery process adequate?

Phoenix Cloud backup for Greentree ERP is your complete peace of mind backup and Disaster Recovery (DR) solution for Greentree ERP. Phoenix Cloud backup for Greentree ERP is a tailored, product specific Disaster Recovery (DR) solution designed specifically to meet your recovery time objective and recovery point objective.

For a nominal monthly subscription Cymax can leverage the power of the Cloud to provide you a complete peace of mind solution to safeguard your organisation from loss of access to your Greentree ERP system.

What makes Phoenix Cloud backup for Greentree ERP unique? Quite simply, it’s the recovery time. With Phoenix Cloud backup for Greentree ERP your organisation can be back online from your most recent backup in as little as 30 mins.

Furthermore we understand how intimately some organisations work with their Greentree ERP consultant. We’re also able to provide them the ability to self manage this process for you. Providing you with a complete and comprehensive peace of mind backup, recovery and disaster recovery solution.


Like to know more? Please feel free to contact us using the form below or call 1300 790 690 (opt 2) and ask for Sean.


Gartner: only 6% of companies survive longer than two years after losing data.

  • Every week 140,000 hard drives crash in the United States. (Mozy Online Backup).
  • 34% of companies fail to test their tape backups, and of those that do, 77% have found tape back-up failures.
  • Gartner Group says that 43% of companies were immediately put out of business by a “major loss” of computer records, and another 51% permanently closed their doors within two years — leaving a mere 6% “survival” rate.

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